Entry requirements

Entry requirements and Registration


Students and Professionals with bioscience background (Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology) are encouraged to apply. Students should be fluent in English and 10 students will be selected according to their CVs. Grants will be offered to students to cover their stay in Bordeaux.

Registration can be done at http://www.ehu.eus/en/web/titulospropios/izena-emateko-prozedura. Registration should be completed on the 12/Jun/2016 – 20/Aug/2016.

The tuition fee is 3.600 €, including a configured laptop (GNU/Linux and necessary softwares).

If you have any questions about the registration process contact:

titulospropios@ehu.eus (Marta Jimenez), CC-ing (iratxe.zarraonaindia@ehu.eus)