Dr. Mikel Iriondo

Mikel Iriondo

Dr. Mikel Iriondo

Position: Lecturer of Human Evolution and Anthropogenetics.


Tlf: 0034 94 601 52 98
Fax: 0034 94 601 31 45

Mikel Iriondo is lecturer of Human Evolution and Anthropogenetics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He is interested in the application of DNA variation analysis to practical aspects in the area of Bioscience using three main approaches: Population Genomics, Forensic Genetics and Genetic Association Studies. His first research aimed to increase our knowledge of the genetic structure of Basque population.

In 2003, when he joined the research group led by Dr. Andone Estonba, he extended the object of his research to include a wide range of animal species. He teaches PhD students how DNA variation results must be statistically analyzed and interpreted. He also participates in the elaboration of the scientific manuscripts of the team.

Over the last five years he has participated in several research projects resulting in 17 peer reviewed papers, 16 communications to conferences and 2 patents.

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