
Genomic Resources Course and congress Leave a comment   , ,

Next group seminars:
All of them in the Biology Seminars of Faculty of Science and Technology.

December 21: Dr. Fernando Rendo
A brief summary of “RADseq methodologies for ecological and evolutionary genetic studies” course held in Lund (Sweden) in October 2012.
Seminar A, 9 a.m

January 11: David Abad (PhD student)
Description of RAD-sequencing methodology
Seminar B, 9 a.m

January 25: Dr. Otsanda Ruiz-Larrañaga
Evidence for gene-gene epistatic interactions between susceptibility genes for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in cattle.
Seminar B, 9 a.m

February 1: Urtzi Laconcha (PhD student)
Relaciones filogenéticas del género Thunnus basadas en el genoma mitocondrial.
Seminar A, 9 a.m


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