Dr. Melanie Parejo

Dr. Melanie Parejo

Position: Postdoctoral researcher


Tlf: 0034 94 601 55 03
Fax: 0034 94 601 31 45

Melanie Parejo has a life science background in the fields of ecology, evolution and environmental sciences. She holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Bern, Switzerland. In collaboration with the Swiss Bee Research Center, Agroscope, she completed her thesis in 2017 on the topic of honey bee conservation genomics. With a fellowship of the Swiss National Science foundation, she is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Genomic Resources Group (UPV/EHU), where she continues to study honey bee genetics. Her current research project is focused on the study of past genetic honey bee diversity. By sequencing historic museum samples, the aims of the project are to investigate to what extent the documented population decline has affected genetic diversity in contemporary populations, whether and how honeybees have adapted to altered environmental conditions, as well as to accurately date the demographic history of the population under study. Moreover, Melanie is participating in a large-scale European research project (SMARTBEES) where she helps in analyzing European honey bee population structure and identifying subspecies informative SNP markers.

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