Igor Baroja

Position: PhD student.


Tlf: 0034 94 601 55 16
Fax: 0034 94 601 31 45

Igor Baroja has a degree in Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) focusing in Analytics in the University of Montreal, in Canada. He also has an M.Sc. Forensic Analytics from the same university, where has developed a multiplex minisequencing tool for the detection of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups, under the supervision of Dr. Mariam Martinez de Pancorbo. He is currently working in the University of the Basque Country on a Phd (Basque Government Phd student grant), under the supervision of Dr. Andone Estonba and Dr. Iratxe Zarraonaindia. He is working on the microbiome characterization of a Txakoli wine, a very dry white wine with high acidity and low alcohol content, produced in the Spanish provinces of the Basque Country. In his thesis entitled “The Txakoli microbiome: an omic perspective”, he is using metagenomics and metabolomics to understand the influence of native microbial communities on the vines growth and disease susceptibility, as well as microbiota impact in must and wines organoleptic properties.

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